Ready for prime time

The CWD is now implemented on more than 50 University of Lincoln websites and blogs (see and after many hours debugging and testing it’s finally ready for prime time.

Proudly introducing

From tomorrow (17th August ’10) we’ll begin the process of updating sites to point at the new address and also updating the sites to version 2.3 Dallas Dhu which has been in development for the past 2 months. Tomorrow I’ll put up a post detailing the changes in 2.3 as well as some updated documentation that Nick has been working hard on.

A small but useful change in 2.3

I’ve just pushed through some new code into the 2.3 branch which will make development a little easier.

Currently to add padding to the base grid you need to add an extra div element with a class called ‘box’ which adds 10px of padding:

<div class=”span-12″>
<div class=”box”>
Lorem ipsum dolor…

Now though you can just add the box class into the column div:

<div class=”span-12 box”>
Lorem ipsum dolor…

Of course you’re still free to use box divs as before if you wish and 2.3 will retain backwards compatability. As of writing this change breaks IE6 rendering epically however I’ll come up with a fix shortly.

Right up to the release of 2.3 we’ll continue to make little changes like this to make development with the CWD as easy as possible.