So after much messing around we’ve finally got a semi-decent mobile stylesheet for CWD web sites. For the moment we’ve only worked on getting mobile Safari to look right however now we’ve got a platform on which we can hack in support for other popular mobile browsers such as Opera Mobile.
Here are a few examples:
Print From My PC mobile editionGateway mobile editon
Only a few sites are working correctly at the moment, and there are a few other bugs that we need to iron out such as a flash that appears when some sites are loaded and some other funky quirks however we’ll do our best to fix these and ensure that future sites all work as expected from now on.
If anything is breaking monumentally please let me know, Thanks.
Nick and I finished off the client side design for “Posters at Lincoln” which was well received by MARCOMMS and will be soft launching in the next few weeks.
Preview of Posters at Lincoln site
Posters at Lincoln will be the first Lincoln site to use the new “common web design” that I designed. The CWD is going to be rolled out to other sites over the coming months including Enterprise@Lincoln, Blogs, Network Access (LUNA), Wireless Access, Pay for Print, Print From My PC and the Library Portal. We’ve set up a blog at to show off some of the new sites we’re making.
A preview of the "common web design"
I’ve started laying down some of the ground work for the new APIs that we’re developing for use in new applications. So far we’ve got the starts of an authentication API (which can be interacted with via OAuth, SAML or Shibboleth), a basic library API which interacts with Horizon, and Nick has been working on an API that integrates with the Virtual Project Office system.
In my spare time I’ve developed an OAuth server for the CodeIgniter framework which I’m currently integrating with Phil Sturgeon‘s CodeIngiter REST server which we’re using as the basis for the APIs mentioned above.
Apparently our open API is giving our customers unprecenteded control over their own lives allowing them to seize control of their destinies. So please shut it down.
Some how I’ve also managed to attend a couple of lectures and submit an Artificial Intelligence assignment in there as well!
All in all I’m thoroughly enjoying my new job in the Online Services Team, however I will admit to struggling to not work outside of work hours – some of the stuff we’re working on / have planned is just so much fun!